This PDF accident book has been put together following the HSE requirements for reporting accidents in the workplace. Once downloaded you can print off as may sheets as needed to save on both purchasing and storing multiple physical books as sheets are printed off as needed.
- This PDF format has been designed to protect the privacy of personal information and to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation
- When an accident record has been completed, hand it to the person named at the front of the book as responsible for securely storing accident records in compliance with GDPR
- Simple, clear and easy to use for employers and employees
- Complies with current legislation, including RIDDOR, GDPR and HSE standards
This will help organisations to comply with data protection legislation. The Data Protection Act 1998 requires that personal details in accident books must be kept confidential. Individual record sheets can be printed and stored securely. Contains a record sheet, instructions on how to use the PDF book, and guidance on the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 and the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1991. (HSE Website).
- Please be aware that it is the responsibility of the user of the book and their company’s data protection policies to ensure that GDPR is fully complied with